Page name: xaero's fanclub [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-10-21 22:57:29
Last author: Xaero
Owner: Xaero
# of watchers: 3
Fans: 0
D20: 19
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ive finished with elfpack now, its gotten boring, you may still chat here by all means but personally i have better things to do with my life, good bye forever.

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2005-05-10 [Avarion]: Is it mushy pastry type stuff? I like mushy cookies. Mmmmmmm mushy cookies... *drools*

2005-05-10 [Xaero]: lol, i dont know what twinkie are i only seen em on the simpsons

2005-05-10 [Avarion]: You should have bought one when you went to FL

2005-05-10 [Avarion]: SOBE ROX MAH SOX... oranges and carrots.... mmmmmmmmmmmm

2005-05-11 [My User Name is no longer active]: twinkies are kinda a sponge type cake outside with whipped cream in the middle...*licks lips*

2005-05-11 [Avarion]: Oooooh! They sound gooooooood.... hehe... bit like a long donut

2005-05-11 [My User Name is no longer active]: sort of, yes... :-)

2005-05-11 [Avarion]: Mmmmmmmm long donut *droooools* Tell you what is really nice... carrot cake. But only if the icing's made by me ;) Gotsta brag bout my icing; it kicks serious ass. It's orrrrgasmically good.

2005-05-11 [My User Name is no longer active]: orgasmically? :-O *wants the icing*

2005-05-11 [Avarion]: I'll mail some over to you!

2005-05-11 [My User Name is no longer active]: YAY! *dances*

2005-05-13 [Xaero]: lol how the hell did we get from alcoholic twinkies to louises cheese icing??


2005-05-14 [Avarion]: Let's go a-frollicking in yonder meadows! *the hiiiiils are aliiiive with the sound of muuuuusiiiiiic!!*

2005-05-14 [Xaero]: balls to yonder meadows, lets just frolick

2005-05-15 [woofuckinghoo]: hmmmmm

2005-05-15 [woofuckinghoo]: ffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

2005-05-15 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: hey [Xaero], [woofuckinghoo] said i have to talk to you or you wont feed him -_-;;

2005-05-15 [Avarion]: Yay!!!!! Frollickfrollickfrollickfrollickfrollickfrollick!!

2005-05-15 [My User Name is no longer active]: *licks herself*

2005-05-15 [Avarion]: OoOoOoOoOoOoO

2005-05-15 [Xaero]: licks everyone(except [woofuckinghoo]), yum tasteh people, hello jova

2005-05-15 [My User Name is no longer active]: yes. I taste of 'bloom' . my favoritist perfume

2005-05-15 [Xaero]: lou[Avarion] smells of D&G light blue, and sex. nice combination

2005-05-15 [My User Name is no longer active]: *licks avarion* ooooooh...yummieeee...

2005-05-15 [Xaero]: she will prolly comment later as she is stood tickling my back at the mo, cooking me a burger

2005-05-15 [My User Name is no longer active]: *munches on euro-asian sandwhich*

2005-05-15 [Xaero]: whats an euro asian sandwich?

2005-05-15 [My User Name is no longer active]: it is a sandwhich combined with pickled veggies and european grilled meat. I like the chicken. Oh, and of course served on a delicious powdered loaf. *nods*

2005-05-15 [Avarion]: I don't like many things pickled. Except maybe the brains of people I hate. Hmm. Who should I pickle?

2005-05-15 [Xaero]: fair enough, whats wrong with just plain cheese and tomato

2005-05-15 [My User Name is no longer active]: I HATE tomatos... I like them dried, and stwed n stuff, but I hate them raw, nasty after taste...slimy...with seeds...*wigs out* cheese is always good, though.

2005-05-15 [Xaero]: cheese rooles over all

2005-05-15 [Avarion]:


2005-05-15 [Xaero]: lol says you, you put seafood sauce on everything >.< bleuch

2005-05-15 [Rockin Momma]: seafood sauce....wat the hell is that??...doesnt sound very good

2005-05-15 [Avarion]: marie rose sauce.

2005-05-15 [Avarion]: TOMATOES have been bastardised by my mother... she puts them with EVERYTHING... ruins savoury dishes by using them... ugh... god damn her...

2005-05-15 [Xaero]: ok marie rose then, you even put it on the cat


2005-05-15 [Avarion]: Excuse me I didn't eat the cat now did I?

2005-05-15 [Avarion]: I was born at 2:30 in the afternoon so it's a little more than 45 mins away...

2005-05-15 [My User Name is no longer active]: um...okies... *gets out ciggie*

2005-05-15 [woofuckinghoo]: why lick everyone but me :(

2005-05-15 [Rockin Momma]: ewww...that sauce sounds nasty

2005-05-15 [My User Name is no longer active]: *licks kyle* you taste like bedsheets. Dont even ask how I know what that tastes like!

2005-05-15 [Rockin Momma]: y r u ppl licking each other?...its better to bite

2005-05-15 [woofuckinghoo]: cause bites hurt licking tastes funny

2005-05-15 [My User Name is no longer active]: biting is GREAT...oh god...*squeals*

2005-05-15 [woofuckinghoo]: ok *bites emily*

2005-05-15 [Rockin Momma]: yeah and it kinda tickles ur tongue...but i still like bite n is more fun tho

2005-05-15 [woofuckinghoo]: ok *bites u too*

2005-05-15 [My User Name is no longer active]: okay im so getting turned on right now haha

2005-05-15 [Rockin Momma]: yey....isnt this fun....i love to get bit...*bites back*

2005-05-15 [My User Name is no longer active]: *nods* me too.

2005-05-15 [woofuckinghoo]: i dont actually know if i like biting or not

2005-05-15 [My User Name is no longer active]: you'll know one day. perhaps when I come to visit. *nodses*

2005-05-15 [Rockin Momma]: and it leaves such pretty marks on ur skin

2005-05-15 [My User Name is no longer active]: and then they disappear...unless you really sink your teeth in...I have a pretty bite mark on my abdomen.

2005-05-15 [Rockin Momma]: oooo kool......i love it when they bleed....i love blood its sooo pretty *smiles*

2005-05-15 [My User Name is no longer active]: me too...bloody you?

2005-05-15 [Rockin Momma]: yep *smiles*

2005-05-15 [My User Name is no longer active]: alriiiiight I fellow skin scriptor! *huggles and kisses princess*

2005-05-15 [Rockin Momma]: oooooo....i love huggles and kisses.....*smiles*

2005-05-15 [woofuckinghoo]: *hugs and kisses everyone*

2005-05-16 [Xaero]: lol, have you heard yourselves this is sooo sexual. biting i cool its such a turn on sinking your teeth into the flesh of another naked person, depends on where you bite really as sometimes a bite in the wrong place can hurt.

2005-05-16 [Xaero]: *bites everyone*(except [woofuckinghoo]) im sorry its just weird for me to bite you kyle

2005-05-16 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: aww poor kyle, i wouldnt want you to feel left out <<bites you>>

2005-05-16 [Avarion]: *Bites Xaero...* oohhh yeah... ;)

2005-05-16 [Rockin Momma]: yes biting is a very big turn on

2005-05-16 [Xaero]: biting is just plain hott

2005-05-16 [Avarion]: -______-

2005-05-16 [Xaero]: lol, i know what youre getting for crimbo

2005-05-16 [My User Name is no longer active]: *dances* I'm so sexified, I'm so sexified, I'm so sexified, oh yeah oh yeah uhuhhhh....*headbangs*

2005-05-16 [Xaero]: lmao, you seem to be in a horny mood

2005-05-16 [My User Name is no longer active]: yeah Ive been horny for quite a while.

2005-05-16 [Xaero]: how come?

2005-05-16 [Avarion]: i feel icky

2005-05-16 [Xaero]: why

2005-05-16 [Avarion]: my stomach feels all lurchyfied...

2005-05-16 [My User Name is no longer active]: shalon is too far away. (shalon on elftown, not on here)

2005-05-17 [woofuckinghoo]: well thats fun

2005-05-17 [My User Name is no longer active]: nu uhhhh *sobs*

2005-05-17 [woofuckinghoo]: *hugs*

2005-05-17 [My User Name is no longer active]: *licks kyle*

2005-05-17 [Rockin Momma]: its seems everyone is horney anymore

2005-05-17 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: lol

2005-05-17 [Rockin Momma]: hell i know i am

2005-05-17 [My User Name is no longer active]: yes, as we've discussed already, I am as well. and will be until this summer. *lol*

2005-05-17 [Rockin Momma]: lol dat sux i duno how much longer i will b

2005-05-17 [My User Name is no longer active]: *dances*

2005-05-17 [Rockin Momma]: lol

2005-05-17 [Xaero]: its ok for you all, im on a week ban

2005-05-17 [Rockin Momma]: that sux

2005-05-17 [Avarion]: I can't help it; you know it's only a week. And besides there's always Mr Righty!

2005-05-17 [Rockin Momma]: awww....poor xaero

2005-05-18 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: youll live *i hope*

2005-05-18 [Rockin Momma]: yeah i think he will

2005-05-18 [My User Name is no longer active]: LOL...hahahahahahahahaha that's freakin hilarious...

2005-05-18 [Rockin Momma]: lol isnt it

2005-05-18 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: yeah i guess it is, lol

2005-05-18 [My User Name is no longer active]: you...guess? It IS, damn it all!!!

2005-05-18 [Avarion]: If he gets desperate he could always make friends with a mellon.

2005-05-18 [Rockin Momma]: lol thats funny

2005-05-19 [My User Name is no longer active]: oh siiiiick *high-5's avarion*

2005-05-19 [Avarion]: Yay!

2005-05-19 [Xaero]: your all fucked up

2005-05-19 [Rockin Momma]: awww someone is getting frustraited

2005-05-19 [Xaero]: yes and its not funny

2005-05-19 [Xaero]: does anyone know what happened to [rain poet]??

2005-05-19 [Avarion]: Don't take it seriously. Learn to laugh at yourself.

2005-05-19 [Rockin Momma]: well thats wat ur hands r for to u know

2005-05-19 [Avarion]: *sigh* -_______- I'll shut up from now on

2005-05-19 [Rockin Momma]: lol

2005-05-19 [woofuckinghoo]: hmmm funky

2005-05-19 [Avarion]: *Does a funky dance... then runs off to try and puke up icky apple...*

2005-05-19 [woofuckinghoo]: u and me will all go down in history with a sad statue liberty and a generation that didn't agree

2005-05-20 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<blinks>>

2005-05-20 [woofuckinghoo]: sorry just bored

2005-05-20 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: i noticed, lol

2005-05-20 [Xaero]: why a statue of liberty??

2005-05-20 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: because it exists

2005-05-20 [Xaero]: yeah its made by the french, whom all deserve to die and its sits in the usa which is even pooier

2005-05-20 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: uh.... monkey?

2005-05-20 [Xaero]: monkey?? why monkey

2005-05-20 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: i was asking you

2005-05-20 [Xaero]: what type of monkey?

2005-05-20 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: once again... i have no clue... i was asking you XD

2005-05-20 [Xaero]: baboon coz they have the same coloured ass and face

2005-05-20 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: hahaha, why were you starign at a baboons ass?

2005-05-20 [Xaero]: coz its cool

2005-05-20 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<shakes head>> you just a bit odd.... lol

2005-05-20 [Xaero]: WHOOOOOO IM ODD

2005-05-20 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: lol <<poke>>

2005-05-20 [Xaero]: ohhh blasphemy <<pokes back>>

2005-05-20 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<pokes again>>

2005-05-20 [Xaero]: thats it you in for it now <<pokes with a pointed stick>>

2005-05-20 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: O_O blood......

2005-05-21 [Avarion]: Pointed sticks stir my coffee when the fig leaves leave town... wow leaves and leave are similar... Douwe Egbert is another one of my friends. It's like... *looks at clock* 2:07 am and I am wide awake because of him and his STUPID coffee... fuckwit... moronic fat dead man I reckon... figs... blech

2005-05-21 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<twitch>>

2005-05-21 [Avarion]: I'm alright now :)

2005-05-21 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: alight, i was a bit worred there for a sec.....

2005-05-21 [Avarion]: It's to be expected ^_^

2005-05-21 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: haha

2005-05-21 [Avarion]: So how is everyone tonight?

2005-05-21 [Xaero]: i love you

2005-05-21 [Avarion]: I love you *kiss*

2005-05-21 [Xaero]: i love you more *lick*

2005-05-21 [Avarion]: I love you even more than that *fondle*

2005-05-21 [Xaero]: i love you the most *sucks clit*

2005-05-21 [Avarion]: I love you more than the most *sucks dick*

2005-05-21 [Rockin Momma]: omg...get a room u

2005-05-21 [woofuckinghoo]: and u know there like that even if u r in the room or not

2005-05-22 [Rockin Momma]: lol....i hate when ppl do that when im n the room it creeps me out

2005-05-22 [woofuckinghoo]: ah its right aslong as i dont know what there up to when i am in the room with them

2005-05-22 [Rockin Momma]: lol yeah

2005-05-22 [Xaero]: thats good from you kyle last i remember you were fingering your girlfriend while i was in the room, while we were supposed to be watching futurama

2005-05-22 [Xaero]: and if you didnt notice this is our room

2005-05-22 [Rockin Momma]: u ppl need help

2005-05-22 [Xaero]: yes we do, were all crazeh

2005-05-22 [Rockin Momma]: lol i think so

2005-05-22 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<falls over laughing>>

2005-05-22 [Rockin Momma]: lol

2005-05-22 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: this is the best wiki ever!!

2005-05-22 [woofuckinghoo]: lol yeah that was good futurama lol

2005-05-22 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: hahaha

2005-05-23 [Avarion]: You always end up going online when you say you won't. Doesn't matter. I finished OoTP at half 12.

2005-05-23 [Avarion]: PS: I reserve the right to be as graphic with my own boyfriend as I damn well please

2005-05-23 [Rockin Momma]: strange ppl

2005-05-23 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: thes nothin wrong with strange though XP

2005-05-23 [Rockin Momma]: lol i know im strange :)

2005-05-25 [Avarion]: Tra la la la la la la la

2005-05-25 [Xaero]: so how is everybody

2005-05-25 [Avarion]: You should know ;)

2005-05-26 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: existing, lol

2005-05-26 [Xaero]: wow existing is cool

2005-05-26 [Rockin Momma]: sometimes it is

2005-05-26 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: depends really

2005-05-26 [Rockin Momma]: yeah

2005-05-26 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: im bored....

2005-05-26 [Rockin Momma]: me 2

2005-05-26 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<coughs>>

2005-05-26 [Rockin Momma]: *sighs*

2005-05-26 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<pokes>>

2005-05-26 [Avarion]: *Tra la la la la-ing is fun!*

2005-05-26 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: lol

2005-05-26 [Xaero]: ive decided your all mental

2005-05-26 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: how long did it take to figure that out? lol

2005-05-26 [Xaero]: about 2 seconds i only just decided to put it

2005-05-26 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: lol

2005-05-26 [Avarion]: Once you go mental you'll never go back... it's like a drug baby yeah... shiiiiiiiiiiiiit... this is gooooooood mongtardedness...

2005-05-26 [Xaero]: lol, *Quote* i love you all but your all fuckin mad *end quote*

2005-05-26 [Avarion]: I know I've been mad I've always been mad like the rest of us...

2005-05-26 [Rockin Momma]: its fun b n mad tho


2005-05-26 [Rockin Momma]: lol yep yep

2005-05-27 [Avarion]: Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaadness

2005-05-27 [Xaero]:;feat=j_lopez&pos=fp4   please i beg of you if you watch this help stop the madness

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